Water Tank Cleaning Services


We can proudly say we are the best in Water tank cleaning service. Our long-experienced hands do awesome work in all types of cleaning. Cleanliness is of the utmost importance in our everyday life. Keeping ourselves and our surroundings clean is the key to good health. Similarly cleaning a Plastic water storage tank regularly is of utmost importance. 7 Services General Services recommends , Cleaning water tanks regularly will help prevent algae from lining the interior and keep sediments from building up at the bottom of the tank. It will also limit disease-carrying insects and vermin from residing in the tank.

7 Services General Services is equipped with modern tools to help eliminate and prevent general pest concerns such as household insects, rodents, and other pests of economic importance for both residential and commercial customers.


Cleanmaster Water tank cleaning serving 1000+ Housing Societies, Institutions & Corporate Building in qatar. Thorough cleaning and disinfection of the overhead and underground water tanks with high pressure water jet machines. We use 100% safe and environment friendly disinfectants for drinking water tanks.